Why personal finance is like managing your health

Stay with me as I try to explain this analogy that’s been percolating in my head as I’ve been researching more and more about personal finance. Managing money is like managing our personal health. (I wrote last week about how it was never too late to start eating healthy and getting finances & investments in order.)

Healthy Diet

The more I read about budgeting and saving, the more I see it as similar to eating a healthy diet. Crash diets don’t work–and most likely, neither will a get rich quick scheme or drastic spending cuts. Consistency and doing a little by little over time works better than deprivation followed by a future binge. (This goes hand in hand with the 1% rule that is described in Atomic Habits which I’m currently reading.) 

A tip I’ve heard from a financial advisor was when you go to buy something (especially if buying on credit or using Buy Now, Pay Later!) would you be willing to pay 3x what that price is. 



Even if you ate vegetables all day, without movement and exercise your muscles would atrophy. Similarly, without doing some investing, money will not grow as quickly. Now, this doesn’t mean we all have to do the cross fit of money (which I would liken to something like crypto day trading). If you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll end up pulling a muscle which just sets you back. and injured if you don’t know what you’re doing. You can do things akin to investing in a FDIC backed high interest savings account (= walking) or investing in stock market ETFs (=running).  

Check ups

Every once in a while a visit to a doctor, therapist, dentist, masseuse, etc. can make sure our health is in check and we are on the right track. Things like doing an assessment like looking at bank statements, balances, (or mint.com if that’s what you use) or reaching out for financial advice (whether it’s a fiduciary financial advisor, trusted family member, benefits information through work, or a free podcast like Suze Orman). 

(Side note for financial advisors out there: is this like being a doctor/lawyer in the family where everyone comes to you for free advice all the time?)

For a long time, I mostly was focused on a healthy money diet and didn’t really think that much about the rest. And while that’s definitely a great start, I’m still continuing to figure out how I can build on that without taking on too much risk. To be continued!...

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Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. The content on this site and on the podcast does not constitute financial, legal, accounting, tax, or investment advice.


It’s never too late


Why it’s never too late to start